
Aadhaar Operator & Supervisor Exam Questions and Answers Key 2023 [Updated] - 100% Pass Guarantee

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Aadhaar Supervisor Exam Questions and Answers Key – All Questions and Answers [Updated List]

Aadhaar Operator & Supervisor Exam Questions and Answers Key – All Questions and Answers [Updated List]


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Q. What is the process of capturing resident data both Demographic and Biometric for generation of Aadhaar called?

A) Authentication

B) Enrolment

C) Identification

D) Presentatio n

Answer. Enrolment


Q. _____ is any entity authorised or recognised by the Authority for the purpose of enrolling individuals through Enrolment Agency.

A) Introducer

B) Enrolling agency

C) Agency

D) Registrar

Answer. Registrar


Q. _____ is any entity engaged by the Registrar for the purpose of enrolling individuals.

A) Introducer

B) Enrolment Agency

C) Supervisor/Oper ator

D) Registrar

Answer. Enrolment Agency


Q. The Verifier/Certifier is the personnel appointed by ________ for verification of documents at enrolment centres.

A) Operator

B) Introducer

C) Registrars

D) Enrolling agency

Answer. Registrars


Q. _________is the place where the Aadhaar Enrolment/Update is conducted by Certified Operator/Supervisor

A) Enrolment Center

B) Exam Center

C) Hospital

D) School

Answer. Enrolment Center


Q. __________ is a certified personnel employed by Enrolment Agencies to execute the process of enrolment /update at the enrolment centers

A) Enrolment Operator

B) Enrolment Supervisor

C) Introducer

D) Both 1 & 2

Answer. Enrolment Supervisor


Q. Who among the following ensures that only trained and certified persons handle the enrolment/update process?


B) Operator

C) Supervisor

D) Enrolment Agency

Answer. Enrolment Agency


Q. _____________is responsible to conduct the Certification exam for the role of Operator/Supervisor

A) Introducer

B) Enrolment Agency

C) Testing and Certification Agency

D) Registrar

Answer. Testing and Certification Agency


Q. _______ is a person registered with the Registrar and Authority who confirms the identity of a person who does not have any valid POI and POA.

A) Operator

B) Introducer

C) Enrolling agency

D) Agency

Answer. Introducer


Q. _______ is a person registered with the Registrar and Authority who confirms the identity of a person who does not have any valid POI and POA.

A) Operator

B) Introducer

C) Enrolling agency

D) Agency

Answer. Introducer


Q. Who are applicable to can get the Aadhaar Enrolment/Update done?

A) Operator

B) An individual who has resided in India for a period or periods amounting in all to one hundred and eighty-two days (182) or more in the twelve months immediately preceding the date of


D) None of the above

Answer. An individual who has resided in India for a period or periods amounting in all to one hundred and eighty-two days (182) or more in the twelve months immediately preceding the date of


Q. Enrolment Identification Number (EID) is ___-digit number allocated to residents at the time of enrolment.

A) 10

B) 12

C) 15

D) 28

Answer. 28


Q. Resident is an individual who has resided in India for a period or periods amounting in all to ___ days or more in the twelve months immediately preceding the date of application for Aadhaar Enrolment/Update.

A) 32

B) 61

C) 123

D) 182

Answer. 182


Q. Which of the following is used to retrieve pre-enrolment data?

A) Pre-enrolment ID

B) One time password

C) Resident's name

D) Aadhaar ID

Answer. Pre-enrolment ID


Q. Name of the village/town/city (VTC) and Post Office field gets automatically populated when _______________ of the region is entered.

A) House number

B) Mandal

C) Mobile number

D) Pin Code

Answer. Pin Code


Q. Which of the following will you do when a resident is unable to provide the exact date of birth?

A) Leave the field blank

B) Enter the resident's zodiac sign

C) Enter the age as mentioned by the resident

D) Enter the year of birth

Answer. Enter the age as mentioned by the resident


Q. The _______________ must ensure that every operator has a copy of the critical points to be reviewed at the station during the review.

A) Enrolling Agency Supervisor

B) Introducer

C) Nodal officer

D) Resident

Answer. Enrolling Agency Supervisor


Q. Operator needs to sign off every enrolment by providing their fingerprint and or ______________.

A) Mobile number

B) Signature

C) Iris

D) Original POI documents

Answer. Iris


Q. Which of the following contact numbers can a resident call for resolutions to their concerns or grievances related to Aadhaar?

A) 1947

B) 2009

C) 140

D) 108

Answer. 1947


Q. Which person or Entity among the following is eligible to become a registrar?

A) Any individual

B) Any Entity under central Govt. Ministry, State Government

C) Any citizen of India

D) Any individual capable of running a business

Answer. Any Entity under central Govt. Ministry, State Government


Q. Which of the following should be avoided/not to be done by the registrar?

A) Responsible for field level execution, monitoring and audit

B) Display adequate information about Aadhaar enrolment and update on their websites

C) Use the information collected during enrolment for any purpose other than Aadhaar Enrolment/Upd ate

D) Allow UIDAI reasonable access to the premises occupied by it in case required

Answer. Use the information collected during enrolment for any purpose other than Aadhaar Enrolment/Upd ate


Q. Registrars shall at all times abide by the Code of Conduct as specified in ______________ for Aadhaar Enrolment/Update.

A) Aadhaar Act 2016 and Aadhaar Regulations

B) GFR Rules

C) Both I and II

D) None of the above

Answer. Aadhaar Act 2016 and Aadhaar Regulations


Q. Who among the following is responsible for evaluating the applications of agencies and empanel the eligible agencies as enrolling agencies- EA?

A) Central Ministry

B) Registrar and UIDAI

C) Both I and II


Answer. Registrar and UIDAI


Q. Which of the following should an individual possess before starting his/her role as EA supervisor?

A) Should possess Basics in Computer Education Certificate

B) Should be a graduate

C) Should be comfortable with local language keyboard and transliteration

D) Should be a prominent person within the given region

Answer. Should be comfortable with local language keyboard and transliteration

Q. Who among the following is responsible for setting up of the laptop/desktop with Aadhaar client installed and tested at Enrolment Center?


A) Authority

B) Registrar

C) Operator/Super visor

D) IT technician

Answer. Operator/Super visor


Q. Supervisor must submit his/her “On boarding Form� along with the required documents to the Enrolment Agency, which in turn submits the form to _______________ concerned for verification.

A) Authority’s Regional Offices

B) Verification officer

C) Another supervisor

D) Registrar Office

Answer. Authority’s Regional Offices

CSC IIBF Exam Question Answer Key 2023 - All Questions & Answers [Updated]


Q. Who among the following is considered as enrolled user during the operator/supervisor on-boarding?

A) A user who introduces other residents who cannot produce POI or POA

B) A user who has filled the enrollment form to get Aadhaar

C) A user who has appeared at an enrolment centre to get enrolled for Aadhaar

D) Operator/S upervisor whose biometric verification is successfully completed and stored in the Enrolment Client

Answer. Operator/Supervisor whose biometric verification is successfully completed and stored in the Enrolment Client


Q. Which of the following photos would mark as 'Exception photo not as per guidelines'?

A) A photo which shows exceptions

B) A photo where the person is looking down

C) A photo which shows person without exception

D) A photo with poor visibility

Answer. A photo where the person is looking down


Q. Shanthi is a 65 year old woman. Due to her ill health, she is unable to come to the enrolment center to get enroled for Aadhaar. Her son gets her paspport photograph which can be captured as her photo for Aadhaar. Is it acceptable to take the photo of photo in such scenarios?

A) Yes, as the resident cannot come to the enrolment center

B) No, as photo of photo is a grave critical error and indicates fraud

Answer. No, as photo of photo is a grave critical error and indicates fraud


Q. Rakesh is an enrolment operator. He sometimes asks one of the residents to capture the pictures while he enters the details into the system. IS this acceptable?

A) No, as the phot should be clicked by enrolment operator only

B) Yes, resident can capture the image and operator should ensure that the clarity is good

Answer. No, as the phot should be clicked by enrolment operator only


Q. As per the enrolment guidelines, a resident needs to be present physically at the time of enrolment and photo of resident needs to be clicked either by the enrolment operator or by the resident.



Answer. FALSE


Q. In case of Introducer-based enrolment, which of the given additional information shall be collected? I. Introducer's signature II. Introducer's thumb impression III. Introducer's Aadhaar number

A) Only I

B) Only II

C) Both II and III

D) All the given options

Answer. All the given options


Q. As part of managing the enrolment centre, which of the following should a "Supervisor" do?

A) “Sign off� every enrolment on Aadhaar client

B) Use “Find Aadhaar Facility� to ensure fresh residents have never enrolled

C) Ensure that the Operator provides his/her biometric confirmation after every Aadhaar enrolment/update

D) All the given options

Answer. All the given options


Q. Supervisor also ensures that enrolment stations are synched at least once in every ___________.

A) 10 days

B) 15 days

C) 20 days

D) Month

Answer. 10 days


Q. Which of the following should a supervisor ensure to backup, sync and export data? I. Take backup of all the enrolment data twice a day to external hard disk II. Send all the day-to-day enrolment details to your personal email ID III. Sync enrolment stations at least once in every 10 days IV. Maintain a register for data exported V. Save all the data on Google cloud

A) I, II and IV

B) I, III and IV

C) II, III, IV and V

D) All the given options

Answer. I, III and IV


Q. At the end of the day, supervisor should allow the operator to review the Enrolment packets created by him?



Answer. FALSE


Q. After biometrics of Operator/Supervisor are captured on Enrolment Client, authentication request is send to _______________ server.

A) Registrar

B) Enrolment station

C) Authority's

D) Enrolment agency

Answer. Authority's


Q. __________________ is not required while un-boarding/disassociation of the Operator/Supervisor.

A) Status of entity

B) Pass Indicator

C) Status

D) Biometrics confirmation

Answer. Biometrics confirmation


Q. Only after successful verification of biometrics of Operator/Supervisor with CIDR, the User_______________ is allowed to proceed.

A) Enrolment button

B) On-boarding

C) Disassociation

D) Authentication

Answer. On-boarding


Q. Authority HQ or Authority's Regional Offices coordinate with ___________________the on-boarding process of Enrolment Staff.

A) Enrolment stations

B) Enrolment clients

C) Registrars and enrolment agencies

D) Observers and introducers

Answer. Registrars and enrolment agencies


Q. In case of any error found in the enrolment data entered, which of the following should be done?

A) Use discretion to fill in the details correctly

B) A supervisor needs to identify the correct data

C) Inform the resident to come to the enrolment centre within correction time frame

D) Go to the resident's house and collect the right details

Answer. Inform the resident to come to the enrolment centre within correction time frame


Q. Which of the following actions should a supervisor do after day-end review?

A) Sign off by giving his/her fingerprint

B) Send a mail to authority

C) Send bulk SMSes to the residents enrolled for the day

D) Ask operator to sign off by giving his/her fingerprint

Answer. Sign off by giving his/her fingerprint


Q. A supervisor monitors and audits the functions at the enrolment centre. How does the audit feedback help the entire team?

A) Remove the under performing operators

B) Cut the pay of the operators whose performance is not up to the benchmark

C) Identify the areas of improvement of enrolment operations and data quality

D) Escalate the matters to the Authority

Answer. Identify the areas of improvement of enrolment operations and data quality

CSC RAP Exam Question Answer Key 2023 [Updated] - 100% Pass Guarantee

Q. Who is an operator/supervisor?

A) A person who handles the functions of an enrolment agency like cleaning, electricity connection ect.

B) A mediator between the Authority and enrolment agency

C) An individual employed by an Enrolment Agency to execute enrolment at the enrolment stations

D) A resident who comes to the enrolment agency to get enrolled for Aadhaar

Answer. An individual employed by an Enrolment Agency to execute enrolment at the enrolment stations


Q. The Registrars and Enrolling Agencies shall only use the Enrolment/Update software provided or authorised by the _____.

A) Operator


C) Supervisor

D) Resident

Answer. UIDAI


Q. ______ coordinates the on-boarding process of Operator/Supervisor with Registrars and EAs.

A) Operators

B) Observers

C) Authority Head Office or Auhority's Regional Office

D) Enrolment agencies

Answer. Authority Head Office or Auhority's Regional Office


Q. ______ to capture coordinates of the Enrolment Device needs to available at all times.

A) Television

B) GPS Device

C) FM Radio

Answer. GPS Device


Q. _______ monitors the approval of Enrolment Centre plan and may intervene where required.

A) Registrar

B) Authority Head Office or Auhority's Regional Office

C) Observer

D) Operator

Answer. Authority Head Office or Auhority's Regional Office


Q. ____ declares enrolment station deployment plans, that is, when and where the centres will be established before opening any Enrolment Center

A) Registrar

B) Authority's Regional Office

C) Enrolment agency

D) Observer

Answer. Enrolment agency


Q. _____ needs to ensure and prove that they have certified the active operators, requisite machines and hardware to be deployed at Enrolment Center.

A) Registrar

B) Authority's Regional Office

C) Introducer

D) Enrolment agency

Answer. Enrolment agency


Q. ____ updates Enrolment Centre information on the UIDAI portal.

A) Enrolment agency

B) Authority's Regional Office

C) Introducer

D) Registrar

Answer. Enrolment agency


Q. ____ needs to be connected to the internet during the process of on boarding.

A) Enrolment client

B) Operator, supervisor, introducer

C) Registrar

D) Introducer

Answer. Enrolment client

Aadhaar Operator & Supervisor Exam Questions and Answers Key 2023 [Updated] - 100% Pass Guarantee


Q. Enrolment client needs to be connected to the ____________ during the process of on-boarding of Enrolment Staff.

A) Ethernet

B) Registrar

C) Internet

D) Observer

Answer. Internet


Q. Enrolment agencies will have to undergo an on-boarding process for ___________________.

A) Authority's Regional Office

B) Self, Enrolment stations and Enrolment Staff

C) Completion of enrolment

D) Updation activities

Answer. Self, Enrolment stations and Enrolment Staff


Q. For on-boarding of Operator/Supervisor, the user-credential file generated is a digitally signed _________ file.

A) .mp3

B) .docx

C) .xls

D) .xml

Answer. .xml


Q. If verification of user’s biometric details is successfully completed with his/her Aadhaar details and stored in local database, he is a ____________________ user.

A) On-boarded

B) Enrolled

C) Both (1) and (2)

D) Not enrolled

Answer. Both (1) and (2)


Q. When the quality of biometrics is above threshold, __________________ will be shown to user confirming his/her approval.

A) Pass indicator

B) Left slap

C) Right slap

D) Two thumbs

Answer. Pass indicator


Q. During local biometric verification, the biometrics provided by the ______________ are verified from the biometrics stored in the enrolment client.

A) Enrolment agency

B) Operator/ Supervisor

C) Registrar

D) User

Answer. Operator/ Supervisor


Q. If the verification of user’s biometric details is not successfully completed and not stored in the local database, it will appear as _____________ in status.

A) On-board

B) Enrolled

C) Not enrolled

D) Withheld

Answer. Not enrolled


Q. Enrolment agency will update Enrolment Centre information on the _____________________portal. The latest URL needs to be confirmed by the ____________.

A) Enrolment station, registrar

B) Operator/Super visor, Authority's Regional Offices

C) QAMIS Portal, Nodal officer

D) MNREGA website, enrolment agency

Answer. QAMIS Portal, Nodal officer


Q. What is the waiting time for Aadhaar generation?

A) 1 to 2 weeks

B) Within 7 days

C) upto 90 days

D) 6 months

Answer. upto 90 days


Q. What are the different types of Aadhaar Enrolment

A) Document-based enrolment

B) Document Based, Introducer Based, Head of Family Based and Child Enrolment

C) Physical Enrolment

D) Online Enrolment

Answer. Document Based, Introducer Based, Head of Family Based and Child Enrolment

CSC VLE Insurance Exam Question Answer Key 2023 [Updated] - 100% Pass Guarantee

Q. Which form needs to be filled by the resident for Aadhaar Enrolment

A) Aadhaar Enrolment/Corre ction Form

B) Matriculation Form

C) Registration Form

D) Application Form

Answer. Aadhaar Enrolment/Corre ction Form


Q. Mutiple Aadhaar Numbers are generated in case of mutiple Enrolments



Answer. FALSE


Q. Aadhaar Number will be generated in 1 day



Answer. FALSE


Q. Acknowlegement Slip provided to the resident after Aadhaar Enrolment contains ______________

A) EID (Enrolment ID)

B) Aadhaar Number

C) Photo of Enrolment Operator

D) Photo of Proof of Address and Proof of Identity

Answer. EID (Enrolment ID)


Q. There is only one type of Aadhaar Enrolment i.e Document Based Enrolment



Answer. FALSE


Q. Who among the following is eligible to avail Aadhaar?

A) Any citizen of India

B) Any individual who is 18 years and above

C) Any resident who resided in India for a period of 182 days or more

D) Any citizen of India who is a graduate

Answer. Any resident who resided in India for a period of 182 days or more


Q. Any resident who resided in India for a period of 182 days or more who posses required documents is eligible for Aadhaar Enrolment



Answer. TRUE


Q. Any citizen of India, even those who have been residing in a foreign country for the last one year, are eligible for Aadhaar.



Answer. FALSE


Q. Any resident who do not have any document or eligible for other types of enrolment can also be enrolled



Answer. FALSE


Q. In case of omission of Aadhaar number for reasons other than multiple Aadhaar numbers having been issued, residents shall be required to re-enrol.



Answer. TRUE


Q. Which of the following are mandatory in Document-based Enrolment?

A) The resident submits his POI (mandatory), POA (mandatory) and POR (optional)

B) An elected local body introduces the resident to the operator

C) The father introduces his child

D) All the given options

Answer. The resident submits his POI (mandatory), POA (mandatory) and POR (optional)


Q. In which of the following types of enrolments involves resident submitting POI, POA and POR documents?

A) Document-based enrolment

B) Introducer based enrolment

C) Head of the family based enrolment

D) Child enrolment

Answer. Document-based enrolment


Q. Which of the following items of information related to introducer is captured in introducer-based enrolment? I. Introducer’s name II. Introducer’s Aadhaar number III. Introducer's family details IV. Introducer's educational qualification V. Biometric information of introducer

A) I, II and III

B) II, III and IV

C) I, II and V

D) All the given options

Answer. I, II and V


Q. Who can become Introducer for facilitating Introducer Based Enrolment?

A) Operator/Superv isor

B) .Registrars’ Employees .Elected local body members .Members of local administrative bodies

C) .Influencers such as teachers . Anganwadi Worker © Representative of NGO

D) Both (2) & (3)

Answer. Both (2) & (3)


Q. Can Operator/Supervisor can become Introducer ?



Answer. NO


Q. Which of the following refers to introducer-based enrolment?

A) The resident submits his POI, POA and POR documents

B) A health worker refers the resident to the operator

C) The father introduces his child

D) All the given options

Answer. A health worker refers the resident to the operator


Q. Who among the following is eligible for child enrolment?

A) Any child who is at least 4 years old and above

B) Any child who is attending school

C) Any child who is less than 5 years of age

D) Any child who is between 5 and 16 years of age

Answer. Any child who is less than 5 years of age


Q. Any adult can be enrolled as a Child without capturing the Biometric Information, if the resident suggest.



Answer. FALSE


Q. Record date of birth of the resident, indicating day, month and ___________ in the relevant field.

A) Initial

B) Surname

C) Year

D) Name

Answer. Year


Q. Who among the following had established UIDAI by passing Aadhaar Act, 2016

A) State Government

B) Government of India

C) Registrars

D) Enrolment Agency

Answer. Government of India


Q. When was UIDAI established as Statutory Authority under Ministry of Electronics and I.T ?

A) 28th January, 2009

B) 29th September, 2010

C) 12th September, 2015

D) 12th July, 2016

Answer. 12th July, 2016


Q. Which organisation is responsible for issuing UID?

A) Election Commission

B) Planning Commission

C) MeitY


Answer. UIDAI


Q. Why was UIDAI created ?

A) To Provide robust technology to eliminate duplicate and fake identities, and

B) to provide identity that can be verified and authenticated in an easy, cost effective way

C) To make another Identification Document

D) Both 1 & 2

Answer. Both 1 & 2

Aadhaar Operator & Supervisor Exam Questions and Answers Key 2023 [Updated] - 100% Pass Guarantee

Q. When was the Aadhaar Enrolment /Update Regulation 2016 published in official gazettee

A) 28th January, 2009

B) 29th September, 2010

C) 12th July, 2016

D) 12th September 2017

Answer. 12th September 2017


Q. What do you mean by Aadhaar Enrolment/Update Process

A) The process,to collect demographic and biometric information from individuals by the enrolment agencies for the purpose of issuing Aadhaar numbers to such individuals under the Aadhaar Act.

B) Process to collect personal information of the resident to issue Identification Number

C) Process to collect financial information like PAN number, Bank A/c no. to issue Identification Number

D) None of the above

Answer. The process,to collect demographic and biometric information from individuals by the enrolment agencies for the purpose of issuing Aadhaar numbers to such individuals under the Aadhaar Act.


Q. If two documentary proofs produced by the enrollee have variation in the same name, the enrollee’s ___________ should be recorded.

A) Surname

B) Father's name

C) Full name

D) Preferred name

Answer. Full name


Q. ____________ has to be recorded by the Enrolment Agency as declared by the enrollee in the box provided by recording Male, Female or Transgender.

A) Date of Birth

B) Gender

C) Residential address

D) Fingerprint

Answer. Gender


Q. For rural areas, which of the following fields can be left blank while recording the residential address?

A) Address line 1

B) Address line 2

C) Pin Code

D) State

Answer. Address line 2


Q. Which of the following details should be entered in the address line 4 of the residential address?

A) Building or house number

B) Street name

C) Landmark

D) Pin Code

Answer. Landmark


Q. Which of the following fields will be activated in case of Introducer-based verification?

A) Biometric

B) Introducer or HOF

C) Address


Answer. Introducer or HOF


Q. Enrolment Agencies must use Biometric Devices certified by ___________ for capturing Biometric data.





Answer. STQC


Q. For fingerprint capture, the fingers have to be positioned correctly on the __________ to enable capture.

A) Paper

B) Ink pad

C) Platen

D) Fingerprinti ng pads

Answer. Platen


Q. Fingerprints are best captured in standing position.



Answer. TRUE

CSC TEC Exam Question Answer Key 2023 [Updated] – 100% Pass Guarantee

Q. For capturing facial image, ______________ of the enrollee needs to be captured.

A) Frontal pose

B) Side pose

C) Any comfortable pose

D) All the given options

Answer. Frontal pose


Q. It is difficult for human operators to analyse and recognise face images with __________________.

A) Poor focus

B) Poor expression

C) Poor illumination

D) Poor accessories

Answer. Poor illumination


Q. If the person normally wears glasses, it is recommended that the photograph be taken _______________.

A) With glasses

B) Without glasses

C) Only eye ball

D) None of the given options

Answer. With glasses


Q. While capturing facial image, use of _____________ that cover any region of the face is not permitted.

A) Lighting

B) Make-up

C) Accessories

D) Illumination

Answer. Accessories


Q. To capture iris, ________________ will handle the capture device.

A) Operator

B) Enrollee

C) Nodal officer

D) EA supervisor

Answer. Operator


Q. The iris capture procedure is sensitive to ___________ light.

A) Illumination

B) Ambient

C) Side

D) Tube

Answer. Ambient


Q. Identify the error type in the given image.

A) Possible Age – Photo Mismatch

B) Possible Gender Photo Mismatch

C) Poor Quality Photograph/ Incorrect Photo

D) Photo of Photo

Answer. Possible Age – Photo Mismatch


Q. Identify the error type in the given image.

A) Poor Quality Photograph/ Incorrect Photo

B) Possible Error in Name and Address

C) Relationship Error

D) Possible Error in Name and Address Transliteration

Answer. Possible Error in Name and Address Transliteration


Q. Identify the error type in the given image.

A) Relationship Error

B) Incomplete Address

C) Possible Error in Name and Address Transliteration

D) Photo of Photo

Answer. Relationship Error


Q. Identify the error type in the given image.

A) Relationship Error

B) No Exception Available in Exception Photo

C) Photo of Photo

D) Incomplete Address

Answer. Photo of Photo


Q. Identify the error type in the given image.

A) Poor Quality in Exception Photo

B) No Exception Available in Exception Photo

C) Object in Exception Photo

D) Photo of Photo in Exception Photo

Answer. No Exception Available in Exception Photo


Q. Identify the error type in the given image.

A) Relationship Error

B) Object in Exception Photo

C) Both Photo of different Person

D) Exception Photo not as per guidelines

Answer. Object in Exception Photo


Q. Identify the error type in the given image.

A) Relationship Error

B) Object in Exception Photo

C) Both Photo of different Person

D) Exception Photo not as per guidelines

Answer. Both Photo of different Person


Q. What is a relationship error?

A) When there is a mismatch in father's and daughter's address

B) When the given relationship in the address section is not matching with given Gender or Photograph of the resident

C) When the facial features of members in a family are not matching

D) When a woman mentions her ex husband's name in her Aadhaar

Answer. When the given relationship in the address section is not matching with given Gender or Photograph of the resident


Q. How do you identify an incomplete address?

A) If less than three locations are given

B) If landmark is not given

C) If street number is not mentioned

D) If the office address is not given

Answer. If less than three locations are given


Q. Which of the following is considered as fraud?

A) If incomplete address is entered

B) Incorrectly entering the age of the resident

C) Taking photo of photo

D) Capturing a blurred photo

Answer. Taking photo of photo


Q. A resident admires one of the Bollywood celebrities. He requests the operator to attach celebrity's image in his Aadhaar rather than his photo. Can the operator agree to the resident's request?

A) Yes

B) No

Answer. No


Q. An exception photo in enrolment image shows no exceptions. Which of the following options should the operator mark?

A) No missing fingers

B) No exception available in exception photo

C) All the features are fine

D) No exceptions observed

Answer. No exception available in exception photo


Q. Which of the following options will you check in case you of an object in place of exception photo?

A) Object in exception photo

B) Both Photo of different Person

C) Exception Photo not as per guidelines

D) Poor Quality in Exception Photo

Answer. Object in exception photo


Q. Which of the following is an Photo of Photo error? I. Hard copy of photo II. Photo on a monitor III. Photo on a mobile device IV. Photo on magazine

A) Only I

B) I, II and III

C) II and III

D) All the given options

Answer. All the given options


Q. Which of the following is considered as photo of photo error?

A) A person giving his selfie

B) A person capturing another person who is taking a photo

C) The operator allowing a photographer to take the resident's photo

D) A person's photo is captured without that person being physically present

Answer. A person's photo is captured without that person being physically present


Q. Which of the following type of photo is marked as 'Poor quality in exception photo'?

A) A photo with poor visibility

B) A photo with object

C) A photo which shows exceptions

D) A photo which shows person without exception

Answer. A photo with poor visibility


Q. What are the basic responsibity of Registrar?

A) Adherence to Aadhaar Act 2016 and Aadhaar Regulations

B) Hire/engage Enroling Agency and moniter its functioning

C) Ensure that any Enrolment agency and/ or person employed or appointed by them to conduct the enrolment and update operations are certified

D) All of the above

Answer. All of the above


Q. Which person or Entity among the following is eligible to become a Enroling Agency?

A) Any individual fullfilling the condition mentioned in RFE for Enrolment Agency specified by Registrar/UIDAI

B) Any individual capable of running a business

C) Any cerfied Operator /Supervisor

D) Any individual who own a Aadhaar Enrolment/ Update Device

Answer. Any individual fullfilling the condition mentioned in RFE for Enrolment Agency specified by Registrar/UIDAI


Q. Which of the following criteria should an individual qualify to be eligible for a supervisor role? I. Should be of age 18 years and above II. Shall be 10+2 pass III. Should have Aadhaar number IV. Should have obtained “Supervisor Certificate� from a Testing and Certification Agency v. Should have obtained a certificate in Basics of Computers

A) I,II and III

B) I, III and IV

C) I,II, III and IV

D) All the given options

Answer. I,II, III and IV


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